The Travel & Sports Legacy Foundation (TSLF) is a 501c3 organization that connects the Arlington community with great careers, tourism enterprises with talented people, and the tourism industry with a more sustainable and employable future. TSLF focuses on assisting youth and persons in underserved communities with educational attainment, financial support and career opportunities in travel, tourism and sports management and providing workforce solutions for tourism and sports industry stakeholders.
The foundation is focused on closing the opportunity gap that exists in Arlington’s underserved communities and the workforce needs of the travel, tourism and sports industries. In partnership with tourism employers and education officials, the foundation supports the community by providing scholarships, financial and job assistance services to persons interested in careers in travel, tourism and sports industries.
Accountable | Collaborative| Inclusive | Innovative | Intentional | Passionate | Resourceful | Trusted
The Travel & Sports Legacy Foundation connects the Arlington community with great careers, tourism enterprises with talented people, and the tourism industry with a more sustainable and employable future.
As one of the most popular sports and travel destinations in the country, Arlington attracts millions of visitors and billions of dollars every year. Our community is home to world-famous sports franchises, gravity-defying thrill rides, exciting new concert venues, chef-driven restaurants and state-of-the-art hotels. But with our impressive growth and growing national attention comes many challenges. The Travel & Sports Legacy Foundation stands ready to meet them. Through an engaged membership and partners across North Texas, TSLF is fostering connections that will ensure Arlington’s economic growth benefits people across the region.
- We are connecting young students in middle school, high school and college to great careers through educational programs, skills training, internships and scholarships.
- We’re connecting sports, travel, hospitality and entertainment companies to the local talent they need to fill positions across their enterprises — from customer service to IT, catering, logistics and more.
- And we’re connecting our entire community to economic well-being and a more sustainable future by nurturing a new generation of educated, engaged and productive citizens.
The Travel & Sports Legacy Foundation. Transforming lives through tourism opportunities.
The Travel and Sports Legacy Foundation is an established and dynamic philanthropic advocate investing in young individuals and practitioner careerists in tourism, hospitality, sports and entertainment.